Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Scrambled - I Hate You Guys: My Month of Xekaar, Part 5

Well, I played a few more games last night - both of them into the same opponent. He was working on a Zerkova1 gunline with double winterguard infantry + UA + 3 rockets. Gotta say, I had no real way of surviving it. Round 2 jamming and feating was about all I could come up with, and his volume of attacks still let him clear most of my army out of the way and assassinate Xekaar. Shit was rough, and I'm really intrigued to see where he takes that list next (seriously, I was confused as shit by the Winterguard Infantry UA until grapeshot started spraying me down after I tried to jam).

At this point I've decided I can't rely on Xekaar's feat to do anything defensive against ranged attacks (sans hydra builds). So, since I'm expecting to still have to handle some ranged attacks with any list I drop, I'm planning on building him in a brick. Instead of my usual reliance on Brutes, I think I'm going to have to use some Sentries. Their animus isn't as good for Xekaar, personally, but they make a damned near impenetrable wall for him to hide behind. I'll also bring a krea, because why the hell not, and an agonizer to just further skew things (also, repulse has quickly become one of my favorite spells). Tack on a few support models, some infantry for scenario presence, and below is what I'm thinking:


Skorne Army - 75 / 75 points

(Xekaar 1) Beast Master Xekaar [+31]
 - Agonizer [6]
 - Cyclops Shaman [8]
 - Titan Sentry [15]
 - Titan Sentry [15]
 - Titan Sentry [15]
 - Aptimus Marketh [5]
Tyrant Zaadesh [4]
 - Basilisk Krea [7]
 - Titan Gladiator [15]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]
Paingiver Bloodrunners [9]

Paired with it will be a list that, I feel, skews against ranged pretty hard. Hydra, Krea, and lots of threat range (15" on the archidon, 14" on the hydra, 13" on Tibbers, 12" on the gladiator...). Max handlers to keep things moving and make it easier for me to apply prodding. It also has the advantage of playing more to my style, with a list designed to just slam into my opponents as hard as I can.

Skorne Army - 75 / 75 points

(Xerxis 2) Xerxis, Fury of Halaak [+28]
 - Archidon [10]
 - Basilisk Krea [7]
 - Desert Hydra [38]
 - Tiberion [22]
 - Titan Gladiator [15]
Extoller Soulward [3]
Swamp Gobber Chef [1]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]

Archidon starts with Rapport, Ignite on either Tibbers or the Hydra. Rapport can also wind up on the Hydra if I don't think it'll be spraying on feat turn. Weirdly, after having played so much Chiron I now really wanted to bring him in this list but couldn't justify it (really want another krea and a drake or two more). I never got into basilisk spam in MK2, but I definitely feel like it has potential again. If anyone's been playing around with it, I'd love to know how it's been going for you.

What's kind of rough is this needs to be able to drop into both Cryx and just about any ranged heavy pairings. Extoller can maybe help me survive into ghost fleet, where I think I just need to hope overtaking Tibbers and the hydra can get enough kills in to keep me on my feet during the feat turn. Against Denny the Hydra can actually walk from outside her feat more than close enough to spray her down, if necessary. I'm not very confident in it, but I firmly expect to not run into too many Ghost Fleet players in the losers bracket anyway.

Last words:

This is, at the moment, what I'm planning to submit. That said, I do have until tomorrow for list submission. Any number of things might cause me to mix it up (oh god let battle engine CID changes drop...). As it stands, though, I wanted to make Xekaar into my main list for the event, and to that end my off-list is mostly there to scare off ranged drops and handle a few problems. If you have any suggestions, let me know either here or on Facebook... please.

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